Fertilizer research funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9203 (1f)] - AB40
Phosphorus and shoreland zoning rules: economic impact analysis and report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9135 (3f)]  - AB40
Turf fertilizer containing phosphorus: retail seller may display but must post a sign re general prohibitions and exceptions - AB165
Vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting manure to or from a farm: seasonal weight limit exception created; DOT appendix report -  AB501
Vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting manure to or from a farm: seasonal weight limit exception created; DOT appendix report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, penalties added] - SB410
filling stationFilling station, see Gasoline
financial disclosure by public officialsFinancial disclosure by public officials, see Ethics
Build Milwaukee initiative zones established and councils created re economic development and housing programs; development opportunity zone, public purchasing, contracts with financial institutions, and report provisions  - AB725
Community development financial institution (CDFI) credit created, Comm.Dept duties; dairy manufacturing facility, meat processing facility, and food processing plant and food warehouse investment credits revised - AB186
Community development financial institution (CDFI) credit created, Comm.Dept duties; dairy manufacturing facility, meat processing facility, and food processing plant and food warehouse investment credits revised - SB120
Community development financial institution (CDFI) credit created, WEDC duties -  AB211
Delinquent child support collection revisions re DOR collecting from certified debt, insurers checking the support lien docket before paying claims, and a support enforcement agency from another state may deal directly with a financial institution in this state to enforce a lien -  AB603
Deposit placement programs of public depositories: revision re redeposit of moneys under set conditions  - AB510
Deposit placement programs of public depositories: revision re redeposit of moneys under set conditions  - SB308
Employment discrimination based on credit history prohibited; exceptions, financial institutions, and definition provisions - AB578
Financial record matching program: DHS to operate for MA applicants and recipients for whom asset verification is required for MA eligibility; confidentiality and penalty provisions - AB553
Financial record matching program: DHS to operate for MA applicants and recipients for whom asset verification is required for MA eligibility; confidentiality and penalty provisions - SB474
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -  AB150
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -  SB99
Payday loan revisions re interest, database, and consumer reports to verify income; title loan provisions re certificate of authorization, interest, rescission, and other requirements; certain exemptions for affiliates of financial institutions; Division of Banking duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2637d-kk, 9317 (1u)-(3u)] -  AB40
Steve Hilgenberg Community Development Credit: income and franchise tax credits for investments in a community development financial institution (CDFI) created; WEDC duties; sunset and expansion provisions -  SE1 AB17
Steve Hilgenberg Community Development Credit: income and franchise tax credits for investments in a community development financial institution (CDFI) created; WEDC duties; sunset and expansion provisions -  SE1 SB17
Wisconsin Seed Fund Authority created and directed to establish the ``business seed fund", report required  - AB733
financial institutions, department ofFinancial Institutions, Department of, see also Securities — Regulation
Administrative dissolution of a corporation: DFI notice procedure revised -  AB493
Administrative dissolution of a corporation: DFI notice procedure revised [S.Amdt.2: domestic or foreign business, nonstock corporation, or LLC specified and posting notice on the Web site removed] -  SB391
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restrictions created and providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision - AB340
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restrictions created and providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision - SB258
Credit Unions, Office of, PR appropriation consolidated with PR appropriation for program operations [Sec. 489-492, 2707] - AB40
Credit Unions, Office of, PR appropriation consolidated with PR appropriation for program operations [Sec. 489-492, 2707] - SB27
Marine Corps League incorporation provisions -  AB320
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions  - AB494
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions [S.Amdt.1: Mortgage Loan Originator Council eliminated]  - SB390
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -  AB40
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -  SB27
Rental-purchase agreements and companies: regulations created; DFI duties and penalty provisions  - AB582
Review board duties revised re state banks, state savings banks, savings and loan associations, and state credit unions; mortgage loan originator council eliminated  - AB492
Review board duties revised re state banks, state savings banks, savings and loan associations, and state credit unions; mortgage loan originator council eliminated  - SB393
financial literacyFinancial literacy, see Literacy
financial responsibility of motor vehicle operatorFinancial responsibility of motor vehicle operator, see Insurance — Motor vehicle
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: failure to provide penalty revised; JRCCP report -  SB170
Contribution surcharge to crime prevention organizations: circuit court and municipal court may order for certain ordinance violations; forfeiture, fine, and court costs provisions - AB385
Contribution surcharge to crime prevention organizations: circuit court and municipal court may order for certain ordinance violations; forfeiture, fine, and court costs provisions - SB541
False reporting of an emergency to 911 telephone number: fines increased -  AB149
Financial record matching program: DHS to operate for MA applicants and recipients for whom asset verification is required for MA eligibility; confidentiality and penalty provisions - SB474
Going armed with concealed and dangerous weapon prohibition eliminated; prohibition on going armed or possessing a firearm in certain public places revised; requirement that a firearm or bow or crossbow be unloaded or unstrung and encased in a vehicle eliminated; possessing electric weapons permitted; disorderly conduct provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Firearms and dangerous weapons"]  - SB93
GPS tracking by Corr.Dept for restraining order or injunction violation conviction: court may order; surcharge, costs, notification, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report [S.Amdt.3: penalties revised, exclusion zone violation defined, public safety changed to petitioner safety; S.Amdt.4: witness intimidation provision removed] -  SB104
No-contact orders by the court: penalties increased for violations re domestic abuse incidents; convicted individual prohibited from contacting witness to the crime and penalty for violations revised; JRCCP report -  AB269
Plastic bulk merchandise containers: sale to scrap plastic dealer regulations created; definitions and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  SB274
Retail theft felony penalties modified and racketeering provision created; proof of ownership required for certain merchandise at a flea market, penalty provisions; JRCCP report [A.Amdt.1: value of the merchandise reduced] - AB56
UI law changes including concealment of benefit claim information, availability for work, interest on delinquent payments, and composition and authority of appeal tribunals [A.Amdt.1: penalties and initial applicability revisions]  - SB417
Battery-operated smoke detectors: minimum requirements in residential buildings, dwellings, and modular homes  - SB576
Fire Prevention Week: reference date changed from October 8 to October 9 -  AB478
Fire Prevention Week: reference date changed from October 8 to October 9 -  SB476
Authorized emergency vehicle: exemption from open door of a motor vehicle on a highway prohibition under certain conditions -  SB341
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer: intent to cause bodily harm removed as an element to qualify as a felony; JRCCP report -  AB212
Combined protective services departments: certain class cities and towns authorized to provide and limitation of villages removed [Sec. 1140, 1141, 1686-1690, 1697-1713, 1717, 1728, 2405, 3194, 3495-3498, 3539, 3562-3567; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 2405]  - AB40
Combined protective services departments: certain class cities and towns authorized to provide and limitation of villages removed; JSCRS appendix report [Sec. 1140, 1141, 1686-1690, 1697-1713, 1717, 1728, 2405, 3194, 3495-3498, 3539, 3562-3567] -  SB27
Emergency services expenditures by county or municipality may not be less than 2009 expenditures: 2009 WisAct 28 provision repealed -  AB14
Emergency services expenditures by county or municipality may not be less than 2009 expenditures: 2009 WisAct 28 provision repealed -  AB138
Health insurance premiums for state employees: maximum percentage employer will pay and OSER duties; payments for remainder of 2011, local governments, certain nonrepresented law enforcement and fire fighting employees, and U.W. System graduate and teaching assistant provisions [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1138m, 1139g, 1145rh-rs, 1150p, 1156ym, 1158m, 9115 (1dr), 9315 (1q), deletes 1156y, yr; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: all numbers deleted except 9115 (1dr), recreates and revises certain 2011 WisAct 10 provisions, 1145rh-rs, 1156ym] -  AB40
Impersonating a fire fighter, EMT, or first responder: criminal penalties created; JRCCP report - AB217
Law enforcement and fire fighting personnel: retirement, health care, and arbitration provisions revised for populous county and first class city [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1139r, 1145m-s, 1156y, yr, 1684p, 1715p, 2408cv, cx, 2409cy, it, iv, 2424hr, jp, 9155 (2q), 9332 (1r), (2r); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``public safety employee" definition added, 2406d, deletes 1145m, p, 1156y, yr, 9155 (2q)] -  AB40
MERA and SELRA changes: collective bargaining limited to base wages, exception for certain public safety employees; referendum and consumer price index provisions  - JR1 AB11
MERA and SELRA changes: collective bargaining limited to base wages, exception for certain public safety employees; referendum and consumer price index provisions  - JR1 SB11
Police and fire fighters in municipalities other than Milwaukee: disciplinary provisions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2407dg, dgg, 2409cp, 9332 (1c); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 2407dg, dgg] -  AB40
Police or fire protection services: sheriff and municipality cannot condition the provision of services on a person's payment of fees, charge, or tax -  AB192
Police or fire protection services: sheriff and municipality cannot condition the provision of services on a person's payment of fees, charge, or tax -  SB128
Public safety employees collective bargaining under MERA revisions re union dues deduction, contracts for employment, health care coverage plans, arbitration for dispute resolution, and interest arbitration submitted to WERC; JSCRS appendix report -  AB127
Recreational activities in a school building or on school grounds: immunity from liability for school board or governing body of a charter school, recreational agreement provision [A.Amdt.1: school district and spectator provisions added, recreational agreement conditions added; S.Amdt.1: notice of claims provisions against certain volunteers and procurement or maintenance of insurance by volunteer fire companies and government bodies revised] -  AB497
Self-defense resulting in death or great bodily harm: court presumption criteria created, civil liability immunity provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, motor vehicle and place of business added; S.Amdt.1: ``police officer" replaced with ``public safety worker"] -  AB69
Special distinguishing registration plates for fire fighters and their surviving spouses and EMTs and first responders: redesign and replacement plates [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3097m, 3099-3106m] -  AB40
WRS required contribution rates and annuity multipliers revised and employer may not pay any employee required contributions, exception for certain nonrepresented law enforcement and fire fighting employees; city and county of Milwaukee and local government defined benefit pension plan provisions [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 31h, 804t, 1136m, 1139p, 1145d-L, n, rc, re, 1156gh, tm, 1721p, 9115 (1hr), 9315 (2q), (3q), deletes 1145m, p; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: required contributions, contribution adjustments, and defined benefit pension plan provisions deleted, other 2011 WisAct 10 provisions revised, 3570j, deletes 31h, 1139p, 1145rc, re, 1156gh, tm, 1721p, 9315 (3q)] -  AB40
firearms and dangerous weaponsFirearms and dangerous weapons
Bird hunting preserve licensed by DNR considered a sport shooting range re liability, nuisance, and zoning provisions - AB231
Concealed weapon license: DOJ to provide to law enforcement officers without fee, background check, or training requirements -  AB479
Concealed weapon license training requirements modified -  AB413
Concealed weapon license training requirements modified -  SB325
Concealed weapon prohibition on school grounds and certain posted private property: exemption for law enforcement officers acting in their official capacity and qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers  - AB717